Wer wir sind
Die Adresse unserer Website ist: https://www.philippines-barfines.com.
Welche personenbezogenen Daten wir sammeln und warum wir sie sammeln
Wenn Besucher Kommentare auf der Website schreiben, sammeln wir die Daten, die im Kommentar-Formular angezeigt werden, außerdem die IP-Adresse des Besuchers und den User-Agent-String (damit wird der Browser identifiziert), um die Erkennung von Spam zu unterstützen.
Aus deiner E-Mail-Adresse kann eine anonymisierte Zeichenfolge erstellt (auch Hash genannt) und dem Gravatar-Dienst übergeben werden, um zu prüfen, ob du diesen benutzt. Die Datenschutzerklärung des Gravatar-Dienstes findest du hier: https://automattic.com/privacy/. Nachdem dein Kommentar freigegeben wurde, ist dein Profilbild öffentlich im Kontext deines Kommentars sichtbar.
Wenn du ein registrierter Benutzer bist und Fotos auf diese Website lädst, solltest du vermeiden, Fotos mit einem EXIF-GPS-Standort hochzuladen. Besucher dieser Website könnten Fotos, die auf dieser Website gespeichert sind, herunterladen und deren Standort-Informationen extrahieren.
Wenn du einen Kommentar auf unserer Website schreibst, kann das eine Einwilligung sein, deinen Namen, E-Mail-Adresse und Website in Cookies zu speichern. Dies ist eine Komfortfunktion, damit du nicht, wenn du einen weiteren Kommentar schreibst, all diese Daten erneut eingeben musst. Diese Cookies werden ein Jahr lang gespeichert.
Falls du ein Konto hast und dich auf dieser Website anmeldest, werden wir ein temporäres Cookie setzen, um festzustellen, ob dein Browser Cookies akzeptiert. Dieses Cookie enthält keine personenbezogenen Daten und wird verworfen, wenn du deinen Browser schließt.
Wenn du dich anmeldest, werden wir einige Cookies einrichten, um deine Anmeldeinformationen und Anzeigeoptionen zu speichern. Anmelde-Cookies verfallen nach zwei Tagen und Cookies für die Anzeigeoptionen nach einem Jahr. Falls du bei der Anmeldung „Angemeldet bleiben“ auswählst, wird deine Anmeldung zwei Wochen lang aufrechterhalten. Mit der Abmeldung aus deinem Konto werden die Anmelde-Cookies gelöscht.
Wenn du einen Artikel bearbeitest oder veröffentlichst, wird ein zusätzlicher Cookie in deinem Browser gespeichert. Dieser Cookie enthält keine personenbezogenen Daten und verweist nur auf die Beitrags-ID des Artikels, den du gerade bearbeitet hast. Der Cookie verfällt nach einem Tag.
Eingebettete Inhalte von anderen Websites
Beiträge auf dieser Website können eingebettete Inhalte beinhalten (z. B. Videos, Bilder, Beiträge etc.). Eingebettete Inhalte von anderen Websites verhalten sich exakt so, als ob der Besucher die andere Website besucht hätte.
Diese Websites können Daten über dich sammeln, Cookies benutzen, zusätzliche Tracking-Dienste von Dritten einbetten und deine Interaktion mit diesem eingebetteten Inhalt aufzeichnen, inklusive deiner Interaktion mit dem eingebetteten Inhalt, falls du ein Konto hast und auf dieser Website angemeldet bist.
Mit wem wir deine Daten teilen
Wie lange wir deine Daten speichern
Wenn du einen Kommentar schreibst, wird dieser inklusive Metadaten zeitlich unbegrenzt gespeichert. Auf diese Art können wir Folgekommentare automatisch erkennen und freigeben, anstelle sie in einer Moderations-Warteschlange festzuhalten.
Für Benutzer, die sich auf unserer Website registrieren, speichern wir zusätzlich die persönlichen Informationen, die sie in ihren Benutzerprofilen angeben. Alle Benutzer können jederzeit ihre persönlichen Informationen einsehen, verändern oder löschen (der Benutzername kann nicht verändert werden). Administratoren der Website können diese Informationen ebenfalls einsehen und verändern.
Welche Rechte du an deinen Daten hast
Wenn du ein Konto auf dieser Website besitzt oder Kommentare geschrieben hast, kannst du einen Export deiner personenbezogenen Daten bei uns anfordern, inklusive aller Daten, die du uns mitgeteilt hast. Darüber hinaus kannst du die Löschung aller personenbezogenen Daten, die wir von dir gespeichert haben, anfordern. Dies umfasst nicht die Daten, die wir aufgrund administrativer, rechtlicher oder sicherheitsrelevanter Notwendigkeiten aufbewahren müssen.
Wohin wir deine Daten senden
Besucher-Kommentare könnten von einem automatisierten Dienst zur Spam-Erkennung untersucht werden.
Deine Kontakt-Informationen
Weitere Informationen
Wie wir deine Daten schützen
Welche Maßnahmen wir bei Datenschutzverletzungen anbieten
Von welchen Drittanbietern wir Daten erhalten
Welche automatisierte Entscheidungsfindung und/oder Profilerstellung wir mit Benutzerdaten durchführen
Industrielle aufsichtsrechtliche Regulierungsanforderungen
In this privacy policy we inform you about the processing of your personal data. If you want to change your privacy settings (grant consent or revoke your previously granted consent), click here to change your settings. Gunnar Schulze, philippines-barfines.com, Mühlgrabenstraße 13, 18437 Stralsund, Deutschland, GS76 (at) gmx (.) de, 017657763711 Service: One.com
Operator: Dubai Internet City, Building 9 – P.O. Box 500401
Privacy Policy: https://www.one.com/de/info/datenschutzrichtlinie
Privacy Shield: https://www.one.com/de/info/impressum Connection data are processed to monitor the technical function and to increase the reliability of our webhost. The duration of processing is limited to 7 days. The legal basis of processing is the legitimate interest (absolute technical necessity of a server log file as fundamental data basis for failure analysis and for security measures in connection with the “website” service which you have explicitly requested by visiting the website) according to Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR. You can contact us by using a contact form provided on our website. After submission of the contact form, the controller will process the personal data you have provided for the purpose of handling your request on the basis of your consent which you have given by submitting the form according to Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR, until revocation.Privacy Policy
Server Log Files
Contact Form
You have no legal or contractual obligation to provide personal data. If you do not provide such data, you are simply not able to submit and we are not able to process your request.
Application Form
You can also apply for a job on our website. We will process the personal data provided in the application form in order to manage your application based on a pre-contractual relationship according to Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR until further notice, and for a duration of not more than 6 months after completion of the application procedure.
If you explicitly want us to retain the application documents you have submitted, we will keep your records for not more than 18 months based on your consent according to Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a GDPR.
You have no legal or contractual obligation to provide personal data. If you do not provide such data, we are simply not able to manage your application.
We do not transfer your job application data to third parties.
Promotional contest or game form
We process the data you have provided for the purpose of the game in order to carry out the game on the basis of the contract concluded according to Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR until the end of the game.
You have no legal or contractual obligation to provide personal data. However, you have to provide such data if you want to participate in the game. You simply cannot participate in the game if you do not provide such data.
Registration Form
You can register on our website. After you have registered, we will process the data provided in the registration form for the performance of the contract based on the contract concluded with us with your registration according to Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR.
You have no legal or contractual obligation to provide personal data. You simply cannot register for the service if you do not provide such data.
Data are not transferred to third parties.
Comments Form
By commenting our products, postings, photographs or videos we will process your personal data for the purpose of imaging your comments on our website and internal documentation of the legal basis of the contract concluded according to Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR (gratuitous hosting contract to image your commentation on our website). We will publish your name and comment on our website and store your personal data until deletion of your comment.
Security Services
On this website we use the offer of security service providers such as Captcha services to avoid non-human and automated input.
Web Fonts
If you have given your consent, we will process your personal data in cooperation with Youtube, Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland, as joint controllers for the purpose of playing videos on our website.
We will enable the service to collect connection data, data of your web browser, and to place an advertising cookie. The placing of advertising cookies allows Google to create an individual user-ID for each user. These personal data can be used for unambiguous identification and are then processed via the advertising network operated by Google.
Any further independent processing of data, especially via the Google advertising network, is carried out by Google as sole controller. Detailed information is provided in the Data privacy policy of Google.
If you do not give your consent, we are simply not able to provide the Youtube service to you. You can withdraw your consent by changing the settings at Privacy policy.
The legal basis of processing is your consent according to Article 6 (1) (a) GDPR.
Google Maps
If you have given your consent, we will process your personal data in cooperation with Google Maps, Google LLC, Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA, as joint controllers for the purpose of showing interactive maps on our website.
We will enable the service to collect connection data, data of your web browser, and to place an advertising cookie. The placing of advertising cookies allows Google to create an individual user-ID for each user. These personal data can be used for unambiguous identification and are then processed via the advertising network operated by Google.
Any further independent processing of data by Google is carried out by Google as sole controller. Detailed information is provided in the Data privacy policy of Google.
If you do not give your consent, we are simple not able to provide the Google Maps service to you. You can withdraw your consent by changing the settings at Privacy policy.
The legal basis of processing is your consent according to Article 6 (1) (a) GDPR. The legal basis for the transfer of data to the US is the Commission implementing decision C/2016/4176 as well as the privacy shield certification.
If you have given your consent, we will process your personal data in cooperation with Vimeo, Vimeo Inc., 555 West 18th Street, New York, New York 10011, USA as joint controllers for the purpose of playing videos on our website.
We will enable the service to collect connection data, data of your web browser, and to place an advertising cookie. The placing of advertising cookies allows Vimeo to create an individual user-ID for each user. These personal data can be used for unambiguous identification and are then processed via the advertising network operated by Vimeo.
Any further independent processing of data, especially via the Vimeo advertising network, is carried out by Vimeo as sole controller. Detailed information is provided in the Data privacy policy of Vimeo.
If you do not give your consent, we are simply not able to provide the Vimeo service to you. You can withdraw your consent by changing the settings at Privacy policy.
The legal basis of processing is your consent according to Article 6 (1) (a) GDPR. The legal basis for the transfer of data to the US is the Commission implementing decision C/2016/4176 as well as the privacy shield certification.
If you have given your consent, we will process your personal data in cooperation with Open Street Map, OpenStreetMap Foundation, St Johns Innovation Centre, Cowley Road, Cambridge, CB4 0WS, United Kingdom as joint controllers for the purpose of showing interactive maps on our website.
We will enable the service to collect connection data, data of your web browser, and to place an advertising cookie. The placing of advertising cookies allows Open Street Map to create an individual user-ID for each user. These personal data can be used for unambiguous identification and are then processed via the advertising network operated by Open Street Map.
Any further independent processing of data by Open Street Map is carried out by Open Street Map as sole controller. Detailed information is provided in the Data privacy policy of Open Street Map.
If you do not give your consent, we are simple not able to provide the Open Street Map service to you. If you do not give your consent, we are simply not able to provide the Open Street Map service to you. You can withdraw your consent by changing the settings at Privacy policy.
The legal basis of processing is your consent according to Article 6 (1) (a) GDPR.
Right to object
You have the right to object to processing if your personal data are processed based on legitimate interests.
We will then cease the processing carried out on this basis, unless there are compelling and legitimate reasons for us to do so.
You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data for the purpose of direct marketing. In this case, we will cease the processing of your personal data for the purpose of direct mail.
The withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.
You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time by changing the settings at Privacy settings.
If you have given your consent to receipt of advertising by email, you may withdraw your consent by clicking the unsubscribe link. In this case, we will cease the processing operations, unless there is any other legal basis.
The withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.
Right to data subject
You have the right to access to, rectification, erasure and restriction of processing of personal data.
You have also the right to data portability if the processing of your personal data is based on your consent or on a contract concluded with you.
You have also the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority. If you need more information on the supervisory authorities in the European Union, go to here.